I had hoped that with this post I would be telling you about new babies on our place, but the animals are not cooperating with us. Missy, the llama was due Thursday the 25th of March, but I guess she didn't know what day it was because we don't have a baby llama from her yet.
As you can see Kris and Myriah are getting along great. Kris was eating hay and Myriah came over and was eating what he was holding in his mouth. He wasn't too sure what to think, but let her continue doing that for a while.
Kris and Myriah are growing fast. Myriah is going to be a big girl. She is almost as tall as Kris, but is still all legs. They are learning to play, which is fun to watch. They enjoy running and hopping around.
Steve worked really hard last week and got my soap house almost ready for the electricians and plumbers. It really looks good. I can hardly wait to start using it. I guess I should have taken some pictures to post here, but I will save that for another time. It won't be long until I am able to make my soaps, lotions, etc out there and get the mess out of the house. It will be nice to gain some room in my kitchen again.
Steve also got a new loafing shed put in and a new pen built for the mama llamas and their babies. Jolie, Kris, Ebony and Myriah seem to be enjoying it. We moved Missy over Friday evening to get used the the new surrounds and hopefully have her baby soon.
The cats enjoy checking out the new shed and Kris was checking out Mittens. I call this my "Thumper and Bambi" pictures. I missed getting them when they were nose to nose, but I'll keep trying. I'm sure I will have an opportunity to get more pictures, especially when we get more babies.
Echo, one of our Nubian Goats looks like she should be giving birth at any time. I really wish my llamas and goats would read the same books I do so we can be more in tune with each other. I am waiting, but not to patiently. The way the other female goats look the next couple of week should give us more kids than we can keep up with. Then I can break out the new milking machine and start milking. I enjoy milking and getting to spend time with my nannies and kids.
Keep checking back for updates of new arrivals at Grayslland Acres.
This entry was posted
on Friday, March 26, 2010
at Friday, March 26, 2010
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